Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New Blog - First Post

So after much thought (ok, like an hour) and an onslaught of pressure (that may be somewhat overstated) - I'm starting a blog. If you happen to see this, please don't expect too much in the way of thrills and excitement when you venture to this remote corner of the blogosphere. My grand scheme for this site is to link off my website and Facebook pages, and provide a space to show new paintings in progress (and finished), updates about shows and exhibits, coverage of my work in publications, and some random thoughts about art, including other artists I admire and follow.  I'll do my best not to bore you to tears - maybe just a relaxed sedative state of mind - but no tears.


  1. your new blog. Great idea and I will enjoy following your work through this medium. Sharon and I are truly enjoying our ownership of "The Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes". We have shown it to several folks and they all rave about it!
    Keep on doing what you are's great stuff. Howard

  2. @El Gato

    thanks Howard! I'm thrilled that you're getting such wonderful reactions on the painting. I just posted an image of Erin on Instagram standing with the painting - I'll have to send it to you :)
